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Ensuring Ethical Advertising Practices: Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS)

Advertising Standards Authority Of Singapore

The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) sets guidelines and enforces ethical advertising practices to protect consumers and businesses.

Are you tired of being subjected to false advertisements? Do you want someone to ensure that the advertisements you see are not misleading or harmful? Then look no further than the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS).

Established in 1976, ASAS serves as a self-regulatory organization for advertising in Singapore. Its primary objective is to ensure that all advertisements in Singapore are legal, decent, honest and truthful, and do not offend public sensibilities.

ASAS holds its members accountable to a Code of Advertising Practice, which outlines the guidelines for responsible advertising. The code covers a wide range of topics, from false claims and stereotyping to ethical advertising practices.

Statistics have shown that ASAS has been successful in ensuring that ads in Singapore are honest and truthful. In 2017, out of the 136 complaints lodged to ASAS, 91% were upheld, demonstrating ASAS’s commitment to upholding advertisers’ responsibilities to consumers.

ASAS’ mission is to create an environment of fair and ethical advertising, in the interest of both consumers and advertisers. ASAS receives and investigates complaints from consumers, making sure that the claims made in advertisements are substantiated and adhere to industry standards.

One of the ways in which ASAS keeps advertisers in line is through their education and outreach programmes. Through these programmes, ASAS educates advertisers on the importance of adhering to ethical and lawful advertising practices, promoting a spirit of compliance and professionalism among them.

If you’re wondering what happens when an ad breaches the Code of Advertising Practice, ASAS has got that covered too. They work with the Council for Advertising Practice in addressing an offending advertisement. Penalties can include informing the media issuing a statement, withdrawing the advertisement in question or even fining the advertiser.

ASAS isn’t just there to ensure compliance with the Code of Advertising Practice - they’re also tasked with identifying key issues related to advertising, and working towards developing new codes of industry behaviour as well as recommendations for advertising standards to regulatory bodies.

Furthermore, ASAS collaborates with their counterparts in international markets, working to improve advertising standards across the globe. It is part of The International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation, an organization dedicated to promoting responsible advertising on a global scale.

The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore is an essential organisation for ensuring that advertisers are accountable to consumers. ASAS serves as a watchdog that holds advertisers to the highest standards, making sure that everyone involved in the advertising process benefits in a fair and ethical environment.

So, the next time you see an ad that makes you question its truthfulness, or doesn’t meet industry standards, remember that you can help by lodging a complaint with ASAS. Let’s work together towards a future of responsible advertising.


Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) was established in 1976 under the auspices of the Singapore Economic Development Board. The primary objective of ASAS is to ensure that advertising in Singapore is legal, truthful, and responsible. The organization is also dedicated to promoting socially responsible advertising practices and helping businesses comply with advertising regulations.

Functions of ASAS

ASAS is responsible for developing and enforcing standards for advertising in Singapore. This includes ensuring that all advertising is truthful, accurate and not misleading. ASAS has the power to investigate complaints made against advertisements and can direct advertisers to withdraw their ads if they are found to be in violation of advertising standards.

In addition, ASAS provides guidance and training to businesses to help them understand their obligations under advertising regulations. The organization works with various stakeholders such as advertising agencies, media owners, consumers, the government, and industry associations to promote socially responsible advertising practices.

ASAS Code of Advertising Practice

The ASAS Code of Advertising Practice provides a set of guidelines that businesses and advertising agencies must comply with when developing and publishing advertisements. The code covers various areas such as honesty, truthfulness, decency, and social responsibility. Advertisers must ensure that their advertisements meet these standards, failing which; they may be investigated by ASAS.

The code also includes specific guidelines for advertising in various sectors such as healthcare, food and beverages, and financial services. These guidelines ensure that advertisements in these sectors are legal, truthful, and socially responsible.


Consumers can lodge complaints against advertisements that they believe are in violation of the ASAS code. Complaints can be submitted online through the ASAS website or through the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE). ASAS will investigate the complaint and take appropriate action against the advertiser if the advertisement is found to be in violation of advertising standards.

ASAS Advisory Services

ASAS provides advisory services to businesses to help them understand their obligations under the ASAS code of advertising practice. The advisory services include individual consultations, seminars, and workshops. These services ensure that businesses comply with advertising regulations and avoid breaching advertising standards.


The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore plays a crucial role in ensuring that advertisements in Singapore are legal, truthful and responsible. By enforcing the ASAS Code of Advertising practice and providing guidance to businesses, ASAS helps maintain high advertising standards in Singapore.

Consumers can rest assured that they are protected from misleading advertisements, while businesses can ensure that they remain compliant with advertising regulations without compromising on creativity and marketing objectives. Overall, ASAS promotes a healthy and responsible advertising culture in Singapore, which benefits all stakeholders in the advertising industry.


In this article, we will compare the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) with other advertising standards agencies around the world. We will look at their policies and regulations, and also examine their effectiveness in promoting responsible advertising practices.


The ASAS was established in 1976 as a self-regulatory body for the advertising industry in Singapore. Its main objective is to promote ethical advertising practices by ensuring that advertisements are truthful, accurate, and not misleading.

Over the years, the ASAS has implemented various measures to regulate advertising practices, including the Advertising Standards Code, which sets out guidelines on issues such as decency, social responsibility, and accuracy in advertising.

Policies and Regulations

The ASAS has several policies and regulations that advertisers must adhere to, including the Advertising Ethics guidelines, which provide clear guidance on what is considered ethical advertising.

The ASAS also encourages advertisers to be socially responsible in their advertising by adhering to guidelines on issues such as gender stereotypes, racial discrimination, and alcohol advertising.

In addition, the ASAS has a complaint process where consumers can lodge complaints about advertisements that they find offensive or misleading. The ASAS investigates these complaints and takes appropriate action if necessary.


The ASAS has been effective in regulating the advertising industry in Singapore, with many advertisers choosing to adhere to their guidelines voluntarily.

The complaint process is also an effective way for consumers to voice their concerns about advertisements that they find inappropriate, and for the ASAS to take action against advertisers who breach their guidelines.

However, there have been criticisms that the ASAS could do more to regulate online advertising, where the rules are often less clear and advertisers are able to target specific audiences with greater precision.

Comparison with Other Advertising Standards Agencies

Compared to other advertising standards agencies around the world, the ASAS is similar in many ways. For example, they both have guidelines on ethical advertising practices and encourage advertisers to be socially responsible in their advertising.

However, there are also differences. For example, the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) in the UK has greater powers to enforce its regulations, including the ability to ban advertisements that breach their guidelines. In contrast, the ASAS only has the power to advise advertisers to alter or withdraw their advertisements.


In my opinion, the ASAS has been effective in regulating the advertising industry in Singapore. Their guidelines are clear and comprehensive, and the complaint process provides an avenue for consumers to voice their concerns about inappropriate advertising.

However, as advertising practices continue to evolve, the ASAS should consider reviewing its policies and regulations to ensure that they remain relevant and effective in promoting responsible advertising practices in Singapore.


The ASAS plays a crucial role in promoting responsible advertising practices in Singapore. While there are criticisms that they could do more to regulate online advertising, their guidelines and complaint process have been effective in regulating the industry thus far.

Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) UK
Policies and Regulations Advertising Standards Code, Advertising Ethics Guidelines, complaint process Advertising Standards Code, Broadcast and non-broadcast codes, complaint process, power to ban advertisements
Effectiveness Effective in regulating the advertising industry in Singapore Greater power to enforce regulations, including the ability to ban advertisements


Advertising has been an essential part of our lives for centuries. It is a powerful tool that businesses use to communicate with their customers, build relationships and grow their brand. However, advertising can also be misleading, deceptive, and harmful. This is where the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) comes into play.

What is the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore?

The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) is a self-regulatory organization that monitors and regulates advertising in Singapore. It is supported by the Ministry of Communications and Information and managed by the Association of Advertising Agencies Singapore (4As). ASAS was formed in 1976 and has been ensuring ethical advertising practices ever since.

The role of ASAS

ASAS has several roles when it comes to regulating advertising in Singapore.1. Monitoring and assessing advertisements: ASAS monitors and assesses all advertising in Singapore to ensure that they comply with the advertising codes and guidelines.2. Educating advertisers: ASAS educates advertisers on the best practices and guidelines for responsible advertising.3. Resolving complaints: ASAS investigates complaints related to advertising and takes necessary action against advertisers who breach the codes and guidelines.

The Advertising Codes and Guidelines

Advertising in Singapore must adhere to the Singapore Code of Advertising Practice (SCAP), which outlines the rules and guidelines for advertising. The codes cover areas such as truthfulness, decency, social responsibility, and fair competition.Some of the key rules that advertisers must follow are:1. Advertisements must be truthful and not misleading.2. Advertisements must not make false claims or exaggerations.3. Advertisements must not be offensive, discriminatory, or contain any vulgar language.4. Advertisements must not encourage illegal activities.5. Advertisements must not infringe on any intellectual property rights.6. Advertisements must not be aimed at children in a way that is exploitative or inappropriate.

ASAS and Digital Advertising

ASAS also regulates digital advertising in Singapore. With the rise of social media and digital platforms, ASAS has expanded its scope to cover digital advertising. The guidelines for digital advertising cover areas such as disclosure of sponsored content, influencers, and online reviews.


The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore plays a critical role in regulating advertising in Singapore. By ensuring that advertisers follow the advertising codes and guidelines, ASAS helps to create a fair and responsible advertising environment. As consumers, we can also play our part by reporting any unacceptable advertising practices to ASAS, which can help to maintain ethical advertising standards.

Welcome to our blog, where we discuss the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS). ASAS is a self-regulatory organization that oversees the advertising industry in Singapore. It was established in 1976 to ensure truthful and honest advertising practices and to promote fair competition among businesses.

The primary function of ASAS is to monitor and regulate advertising in Singapore. The organization sets out guidelines for various types of advertisements, including print, broadcast, online, and outdoor advertising. These guidelines cover various areas such as food, cosmetics, healthcare products, environmental claims, and more. Advertisers who violate these guidelines are subject to penalties which may include fines and other sanctions.

Over the years, ASAS has evolved to become more than just a regulator. The organization now plays a significant role in promoting ethical advertising practices and raising awareness among consumers on their rights. ASAS also works closely with industry players to establish best practices and standards in the advertising industry.

One of the core functions of ASAS is to enforce the Singapore Code of Advertising Practice (SCAP). SCAP is a set of guidelines that outlines the ethical standards to be upheld by all advertisers in Singapore. Advertisers who violate SCAP may face sanctions and penalties. Some of the key principles of SCAP include honesty, fairness, responsibility, and respect for the dignity of all individuals.

ASAS recognizes that the advertising industry is continually evolving, and new challenges arise every day. To stay ahead of the curve, the organization works actively with various stakeholders in the advertising industry to identify emerging issues and create new guidelines to address them. For example, ASAS recently released new guidelines for social media advertising to address issues such as influencer marketing and sponsored posts.

ASAS also places a strong emphasis on educating consumers about their rights and empowering them to make informed decisions when it comes to advertising. The organization provides various resources such as consumer guides and complaint channels for consumers to seek help if they encounter any unfair or unethical advertising practices.

One of the significant challenges that ASAS faces in regulating the advertising industry is the rise of digital advertising. The digital landscape has brought about new forms of advertising, such as influencer marketing and native advertising, which pose unique challenges. ASAS is proactively working with industry players to address these issues and ensure that all forms of advertising uphold ethical standards.

In conclusion, the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore plays a crucial role in regulating the advertising industry in Singapore. The organization provides a framework for fair competition and promotes ethical advertising practices. ASAS's efforts to educate consumers and industry players on advertising ethics help to create a fair and transparent advertising environment in Singapore.

We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights into the role of ASAS in the Singapore advertising industry. If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you for reading!

People also ask about the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore:

  1. What is the role of the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore?
  2. The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) is an industry self-regulatory body that regulates advertising in Singapore. Its role is to ensure that advertisements are legal, decent, truthful, and not misleading, so as to maintain public confidence in advertising.

  3. How does the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore enforce advertising standards?
  4. ASAS enforces advertising standards in Singapore through a three-tier system:

    • First, it will investigate complaints received against any advertisements that may have breached its standards.
    • Second, it will make recommendations to advertisers to modify or withdraw their advertisements if they are found to be in breach of the standards.
    • Finally, ASAS will publicise the names of advertisers who do not comply with its recommendations.
  5. Can individuals submit complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore?
  6. Yes, individuals can submit complaints to ASAS if they feel that an advertisement breaches its standards. ASAS will investigate the complaint and take the necessary actions if the complaint is upheld.

  7. What types of advertisements does the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore regulate?
  8. ASAS regulates all types of advertisements in Singapore across various media channels such as print, broadcast, online, outdoor, and transit advertisements.

  9. How does the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore differ from government regulators?
  10. ASAS is a self-regulatory body established by the advertising industry in Singapore, while government regulators such as the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) and the Media Literacy Council are statutory boards established by the Singapore government. While ASAS works closely with the government regulators to ensure compliance with advertising standards, it operates independently of them.

People Also Ask about Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore

1. What is the role of the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore?

The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore (ASAS) is a self-regulatory body that oversees the standards of advertising in Singapore. Its primary role is to ensure that advertisements are legal, decent, honest, and truthful. ASAS promotes responsible advertising practices and handles complaints regarding misleading or offensive advertisements.

2. How does the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore enforce advertising standards?

The ASAS enforces advertising standards through a combination of proactive monitoring and reactive complaint-handling processes. It reviews advertisements across various media platforms, including print, television, radio, online, and outdoor advertising. If an advertisement is found to breach the advertising code, ASAS can request the advertiser to amend or withdraw the advertisement.

3. Are all advertisements in Singapore regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority?

No, not all advertisements in Singapore are regulated by the Advertising Standards Authority. ASAS's jurisdiction covers commercial advertisements, including those from businesses and advertisers seeking to promote their products or services. However, certain advertisements such as political campaign materials and religious messages are outside the scope of ASAS's regulation.

4. How can I file a complaint with the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore?

If you come across an advertisement that you believe breaches the advertising standards set by ASAS, you can file a complaint with them. The process usually involves submitting a complaint form, providing details about the advertisement, and explaining why you think it is misleading, offensive, or in violation of the advertising code. ASAS will then investigate the complaint and take appropriate action if necessary.

5. What actions can the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore take against advertisers who breach the advertising code?

If an advertiser is found to have breached the advertising code, the Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore can take several actions. These may include requesting the advertiser to amend or withdraw the advertisement, issuing a public reprimand, or even referring the case to relevant regulatory bodies for further investigation and penalty imposition.

In conclusion,

The Advertising Standards Authority of Singapore plays a crucial role in maintaining ethical advertising practices in the country. By monitoring and enforcing advertising standards, ASAS aims to protect consumers from misleading or offensive advertisements while promoting responsible advertising among businesses and advertisers.