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Convert your Singapore Dollars to Japanese Yen with ease - Best exchange rates available!

Singapore Dollar To Japanese Yen

Convert Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Japanese Yen (JPY) with ease. Get accurate and real-time exchange rates for your currency conversion needs.

Are you planning to travel to Japan anytime soon? If yes, have you considered the currency exchange rate from Singapore Dollar (SGD) to Japanese Yen (JPY)? Understanding how much you will be spending on your trip helps in preparation and budgeting, and this article will provide you with insights on the current SGD/JPY exchange rate.

As of 3rd May 2021, 1 SGD is equivalent to approximately 81.3 JPY. This means that for every SGD 1, you will get JPY 81.3 in exchange. The exchange rate is influenced by various factors, including economic performance, inflation, political stability, and global trading activities.

It's interesting to note that Singapore and Japan enjoy a robust trade relationship. In fact, Japan is Singapore's third-largest trading partner, with the total trade summing up to approximately SGD 28.8 billion in 2020. This relationship has played a significant role in the exchange rate of SGD to JPY.

If you plan to visit Japan for leisure or business, it is essential to have some yen with you. While you can exchange your SGD to JPY at the airport or banks, it's advisable to do so in advance to avoid unfavorable exchange rates. Additionally, using credit cards for payments is not widely accepted in Japan, especially in smaller shops.

The best way to obtain yen is through authorized money changers or banks. However, be sure to compare the exchange rates before making a transaction. With the right timing, you can leverage market fluctuations and get a better bargain.

Keep in mind that the cost of living in Japan is relatively high compared to Singapore. The average price of a meal in a mid-range restaurant in Japan is roughly JPY 1000, while in Singapore, you can enjoy a similar meal for SGD 15. Ensuring that you have enough yen to cater to your expenses is vital.

Moreover, Japan is renowned for its rich culture and diverse tourist attractions. From visiting the iconic Mount Fuji to exploring Tokyo's vibrant city, there are endless possibilities. The exchange rate of SGD to JPY should not limit your ability to enjoy your trip fully.

If you're still unsure about the SGD/JPY exchange rate, several financial institutions provide daily updates on their websites. You can also consider consulting a financial advisor to help you make informed decisions regarding currency exchange.

In conclusion, understanding the current exchange rate of SGD to JPY is necessary if you plan to visit Japan. Ensure that you have enough yen to cater to your needs while enjoying the remarkable tourist attractions that Japan has to offer. Remember to compare exchange rates and seek any professional advice before making financial decisions.

Don't let the uncertainty of currency exchange ruin your trip; be sure to plan ahead.

If you're planning to travel or invest in Singapore or Japan, it's crucial to know the current exchange rate of the Singapore dollar to Japanese yen. The value of currencies fluctuates regularly, so it's wise to keep an eye on the currency market before making any financial transactions.

The Current Exchange Rate

As of September 2021, one Singapore dollar (SGD) is equivalent to around 83 Japanese yen (JPY). This means that if you exchange SGD 100 for JPY, you'll get approximately JPY 8,300 in return.

The exchange rate between SGD and JPY has been relatively stable in recent years, but there are several factors that could affect its value. These include changes in economic policies, political developments, and global events such as COVID-19.

Factors Affecting the Exchange Rate

The Singapore dollar is influenced by various factors such as:


The strength of the Singaporean economy greatly affects the value of SGD. If the economy is performing well, investors will be more interested in investing in Singapore, which will increase the demand for SGD and hence, its value. Conversely, if the economy is weak, the demand for SGD will decrease, and its value will drop.

Inflation Rates

Inflation rates also play a significant role in the currency value. A low inflation rate indicates that the economy is strong, and the currency value increases. On the other hand, a high inflation rate signifies an economic decline, which results in the currency value dropping.

Interest Rates

Interest rates establish the return on investments, both long-term and short-term, which makes them attractive to international investors. A rise in interest rates could make a currency more valuable, while a decrease will lower its value.

Similarly, the Japanese yen is influenced by various factors, such as:

Japanese Economy

The Japanese economy is the third-largest in the world and is an important contributor to the global economy. Any significant changes to Japan's economy could impact the value of the yen significantly.

Global Economic Factors

Like any other currency worldwide, the Japanese yen can be greatly influenced by global economic factors like natural catastrophes, economic policies, and political decisions made in some of the significant markets worldwide. These factors may affect investor confidence and risk appetite and ultimately impact the yen's value.

Tips for Converting SGD to JPY

Converting SGD to JPY involves some fees which differ from bank to bank. Therefore, it’s essential to compare the rates and fees of different banks. It’s better to approach banks where you hold accounts since some banks charge lower foreign exchange fees to their customers. When exchanging cash, many money changers in Singapore give favourable rates. But ensure that they are authorised money changers.

You may want to wait until the exchange rate is favourable before converting your SGD to JPY. Pay attention to market trends and news articles to determine the potential changes in the exchange rate before finalising any transactions. Experts recommend avoiding making quick decisions and taking time to consider all the options and their possible outcomes.


With the current exchange rate, planning your travels or investments in both Singapore and Japan requires careful consideration and consultancy of trusted financial advisors. Monitoring millions of transactions on a daily basis, the currency market is always fluctuating, and being aware of possible shifts in the exchange rate will be beneficial to your financial transactions.


Singapore and Japan are two countries that have strong economic ties that attract people from various parts of the world to trade and invest in them. One of the primary factors that dictate financial engagements between these two countries is the currencies they use. The Singapore dollar (SGD) and Japanese yen (JPY) are among the most competitive currencies on the globe. This article compares the SGD and JPY, highlighting their similarities and differences.

Currency Basics

Currency basics refer to fundamental principles that determine how a particular currency behaves concerning other currencies. In this section, we look at the basics of the SGD and JPY, which include:

Exchange Rate

The exchange rate is a crucial factor when comparing currencies. It refers to the value of one currency in relation to another. For example, if one Singapore dollar exchanges for 75 Japanese yen, then the exchange rate would be 1 SGD = 75 JPY. As of May 2021, one SGD exchanges for approximately 82 JPY.


All currencies in the world have symbols used to represent them. The Singapore dollar uses the symbol S$ or SGD, while the Japanese yen uses ¥ or JPY.

Currency Code

The currency code is a three-letter abbreviation used to differentiate one currency from another. For instance, the SGD has the code SGD, while JPY has the code JPY.

Factors That Affect SGD Vs JPY

Several factors influence the demand and supply of SGD and JPY. Some of the factors that significantly impact these two currencies include:

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Both Singapore and Japan have high GDPs. Singapore recorded a GDP of $339.9 billion in 2020, while Japan's GDP was approximately $4.9 trillion in the same year. Higher GDP translates to a stronger currency because countries with high economic growth can support their currencies’ value.

Interest Rates

Interest rates dictate the cost of borrowing money from banks. Singapore has an interest rate of 0.15%, while Japan's interest rate is -0.1%. A higher interest rate attracts foreign investors who demand more SGD, increasing its value. Conversely, a lower interest rate discourages foreign investments, which decreases the value of the currency.

Inflation Rates

Inflation rates are a measure of how much goods and services' prices have increased over time. High inflation negatively impacts a currency's value. Singapore has a low inflation rate of 0.2%, while Japan's inflation rate is 0.6%.

Historical Comparison

This section compares the value of the SGD and JPY over the past ten years:
Year SGD Rate JPY Rate
2011 1 SGD = 76.7 JPY 1 JPY = 0.013 SGD
2012 1 SGD = 77.9 JPY 1 JPY = 0.013 SGD
2013 1 SGD = 86.6 JPY 1 JPY = 0.012 SGD
2014 1 SGD = 91.7 JPY 1 JPY = 0.011 SGD
2015 1 SGD = 87.6 JPY 1 JPY = 0.011 SGD
2016 1 SGD = 79.3 JPY 1 JPY = 0.013 SGD
2017 1 SGD = 83.1 JPY 1 JPY = 0.012 SGD
2018 1 SGD = 80.5 JPY 1 JPY = 0.012 SGD
2019 1 SGD = 78.9 JPY 1 JPY = 0.013 SGD
2020 1 SGD = 77.7 JPY 1 JPY = 0.013 SGD


This article has compared the Singapore dollar (SGD) and Japanese yen (JPY), which are both highly competitive currencies. The exchange rate, symbolizing, and currency code are some of the currency basics to understand when comparing these currencies. Additionally, factors such as GDP, interest rates, and inflation rates affect the value of SGD and JPY. From the historical comparison, we can see that the SGD and JPY have fluctuated significantly over the past ten years. However, as of May 2021, one SGD exchanges for approximately 82 JPY.

Understanding the Currency Exchange from Singapore Dollar to Japanese Yen

If you are traveling from Singapore to Japan, you need to know how to convert SGD to JPY. Looking for ways on how to do it can be confusing and sometimes frustrating. This guide will give you a clear understanding of how currency exchange works, and ensure that you are getting the best deal for your money.

Know the Current Exchange Rate

Knowing the current exchange rate is essential when converting Singapore dollars to Japanese yen. You can use online currency converters like or OANDA to check the latest rates. This information is important because it helps you know how much you will receive when you convert your money.

Consider Your Options

There are several options when it comes to converting currencies. You can do it at a bank, airport, or foreign exchange service provider. Choose the option that offers the best deal according to the exchange rate and fees.

Plan Ahead

Exchange rates fluctuate regularly, which means that it's always better to plan in advance. Keep an eye on the exchange rates and decide when it's the right time for you to exchange your money. Avoid changing your money at the last minute because you may be forced to accept unfavorable exchange rates.

Check for Exchange Fees and Commissions

Most foreign exchange providers charge a commission or fee for their services. Make sure you ask about any additional costs when exchanging your money. Some providers may also offer discounts for large transactions, so don't be afraid to negotiate.

Don't Convert Too Much Money at Once

Converting too much money at once can be risky since you may end up losing out if the rates change suddenly. It's always better to exchange small amounts and monitor the exchange rates frequently. Alternatively, you may consider using an ATM machine to withdraw Japanese yen directly from your bank account.

Keep Some Cash on Hand

It's essential to have some cash on hand when traveling. Not all places accept credit cards or foreign currency, so having some cash available will ensure that you can make purchases and pay for services. You can exchange some of your SGD into JPY ahead of time, or use a money changer when you arrive.

Use Credit Cards Strategically

Using credit cards for payments is convenient since you don't have to carry cash around. However, you need to be strategic about it. Some credit cards charge high fees when used overseas or for foreign transactions. Check with your provider beforehand, and be sure to inform them of your travel plans.

Know the Conversion Rates for Common Purchases

It's also essential to know the conversion rates for common purchases like food, transportation, and accommodation. This way, you can budget accordingly and avoid overspending. Do some research before you travel to Japan to have an idea of what things cost.

Be Cautious of Scams

Be vigilant of scams when exchanging currencies. Some providers may offer attractive rates but have hidden fees that can end up costing you more in the long run. Always deal with reputable providers and avoid being swindled by doing your research.

Stay Informed

Stay informed about the latest news and developments in the currency market. Any significant economic events can impact the exchange rates, and this information can help you make better decisions with your money.In conclusion, exchanging Singapore dollars to Japanese yen requires careful planning and research. Knowing the current exchange rates, checking for fees and commissions, planning ahead, keeping cash on hand, using credit cards strategically, and staying informed can all help you make the most of your money. Remember to be cautious of scams and deal with reputable providers to get the best deals.

Greetings, dear readers! Thanks for taking the time to read about Singapore dollar to Japanese yen conversion rates. We hope this article was informative and helpful in understanding the current foreign exchange market trends.

As you may already know, the Singapore dollar (SGD) is widely traded in the world's currency trade market. The SGD is regarded as a stable and reliable currency due to Singapore's strong economy, political stability, and effective government policies.

On the other hand, the Japanese yen (JPY) is also a stable currency known for its safe-haven status. Japan boasts of one of the largest economies worldwide, and the yen's value is influenced by various economic factors, including inflation, interest rates, and monetary policies.

For businesses and individuals looking to trade between Singapore and Japan or invest in these countries, knowledge about the Singapore dollar to Japanese yen conversion rates is important. Various factors can influence the rates, and keeping an eye on these factors can help make better financial decisions.

Firstly, interest rates can impact the SGDJPY rate. If the interest rate in Singapore is higher than Japan's, the SGD will appreciate against the JPY, and vice versa. Secondly, inflation has a similar impact on SGDJPY rates, where if inflation in Singapore is higher than Japan's, SGD's value will be higher.

Thirdly, global economic conditions and events can also have significant impacts. For instance, global economic uncertainty and volatile geopolitical situations can result in the yen becoming more attractive to investors seeking safe-haven investments, causing an increase in demand for yen and the SGDJPY rate to drop.

Additionally, economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), political and social stability, employment levels, and trade balances can impact the Singapore dollar to Japanese yen conversion rates.

Lastly, it's worth noting that the current COVID-19 pandemic has also affected exchange rates worldwide. The economic impact of the pandemic led to a drop in global demand for goods and services, resulting in decreased revenues and an increase in unemployment levels, among other factors. All these contribute to fluctuations in the SGDJPY rates.

In conclusion, the understanding of Singapore dollar to Japanese yen conversion rates is essential for anyone looking to invest or engage in business ventures between Singapore and Japan. Knowing how various economic indicators such as inflation, interest rates, GDP, and global economic conditions affect rates can help make informed decisions.

Once again, thank you for reading through this article. We hope it was insightful and beneficial. We encourage you to keep monitoring the foreign exchange markets for any fluctuations, keeping in mind the various factors mentioned above when making financial decisions.

As an AI language model, I can provide you with the most frequently asked questions regarding Singapore Dollar to Japanese Yen conversion:

  1. What is the current exchange rate for SGD/JPY?
    • As of [insert date and time], the exchange rate for SGD/JPY is [insert exchange rate].
  2. How can I find out the exchange rate for SGD/JPY?
    • You can check the exchange rate for SGD/JPY on various financial websites or apps, including XE, Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, and more.
  3. Is it better to convert SGD to JPY in Singapore or Japan?
    • The conversion rates may vary depending on the location and fees charged by the money exchange counter. However, it is recommended to compare the rates offered in both countries before making a decision.
  4. What factors influence the SGD/JPY exchange rate?
    • The exchange rate can be affected by various factors, including inflation rates, interest rates, political stability, economic performance, and geopolitical events.
  5. What is the highest and lowest exchange rate for SGD/JPY in history?
    • In November 2011, the highest exchange rate for SGD/JPY was recorded at 80.09. The lowest exchange rate was in August 1995, with SGD/JPY trading at 58.64.
  6. How much SGD can I get for 1 JPY?
    • The conversion rate changes frequently, but as of [insert date], 1 JPY is equivalent to [insert amount] SGD.
  7. What is the currency code for SGD and JPY?
    • The currency code for Singapore Dollar is SGD, while the currency code for Japanese Yen is JPY.

People Also Ask About Singapore Dollar to Japanese Yen

1. What is the current exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar and Japanese Yen?

The current exchange rate between the Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Japanese Yen (JPY) fluctuates daily. It is recommended to check with a reliable currency exchange platform or financial institution to get the most accurate and up-to-date information.

2. Where can I exchange Singapore Dollars for Japanese Yen?

You can exchange Singapore Dollars for Japanese Yen at various locations, including banks, currency exchange kiosks, and airports. It is advisable to compare exchange rates and fees offered by different providers to ensure you get the best deal.

3. Is it better to exchange money in Singapore or Japan?

It is generally more convenient and cost-effective to exchange your money in Singapore before traveling to Japan. Singapore has a competitive foreign exchange market, which means you can find favorable exchange rates and lower fees compared to exchanging money in Japan.

4. Are there any restrictions on the amount of money I can exchange between SGD and JPY?

While there are no specific restrictions on the amount of money you can exchange between Singapore Dollars and Japanese Yen, it is important to comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding large cash transactions. Some financial institutions may require additional documentation for larger transactions.

5. Can I use Singapore Dollars in Japan?

Singapore Dollars are not widely accepted in Japan. It is advisable to exchange your Singapore Dollars for Japanese Yen before or upon arrival in Japan to ensure smooth transactions during your stay.

6. What factors can affect the exchange rate between SGD and JPY?

The exchange rate between SGD and JPY can be influenced by various factors such as economic indicators, interest rates, political stability, inflation rates, and market speculation. Changes in these factors can cause fluctuations in the exchange rate.

7. Should I use cash or card for currency exchange?

Both cash and card options have their advantages and disadvantages. Carrying a mix of cash and using cards for larger expenses is often recommended. Using a credit or debit card with low foreign transaction fees can help you save money on currency conversion.

8. Can I use my credit/debit card to withdraw Japanese Yen in Japan?

Yes, you can use your credit or debit card to withdraw Japanese Yen from ATMs in Japan. However, it is essential to inform your bank beforehand about your travel plans to avoid any issues with your card being blocked for suspicious activity.

9. Is it better to exchange money at the airport or in the city?

Exchanging money at the airport is convenient but often comes with higher fees and less favorable exchange rates compared to city-based currency exchange providers. If possible, it is advisable to exchange a small amount at the airport for immediate expenses and seek better rates in the city.

10. Are there any fees associated with exchanging SGD to JPY?

Yes, there are usually fees associated with currency exchange. These fees can vary depending on the provider and the amount being exchanged. It is recommended to compare fees and rates from different sources to find the most cost-effective option.