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Singapore Academy of Law Journal: Insights into Latest Developments in Legal Practice

Singapore Academy Of Law Journal

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a renowned legal publication that covers various aspects of law and provides insightful analysis.

Are you interested in legal publications that go beyond typical case reports and commentaries? Do you want to keep up-to-date with legal developments in Singapore and internationally? Look no further than the Singapore Academy of Law Journal.

The Singapore Academy of Law is a statutory body that serves as the national legal regulator in Singapore. The academy also publishes a quarterly journal that covers a diverse range of legal topics, including commercial law, intellectual property, and international arbitration.

What sets the Singapore Academy of Law Journal apart from other legal publications? For one, its rigorous peer review process ensures that articles are of the highest standard. Additionally, the journal regularly invites contributions from leading academics and practitioners from around the world, providing a truly global perspective on legal issues.

But don't just take our word for it. According to a survey conducted by the Asian Legal Business, the Singapore Academy of Law Journal is the most widely read legal publication in Singapore among lawyers and in-house counsel.

Whether you're a law student, a practicing lawyer, or simply someone with an interest in the legal field, the Singapore Academy of Law Journal has something for you. Articles are written in accessible language and are accompanied by clear and informative illustrations and diagrams.

What's more, the journal also features book reviews, case notes, and comments on recent legal developments, ensuring that readers are always up-to-date with the latest news and trends in the legal industry.

But perhaps the most appealing aspect of the Singapore Academy of Law Journal is its commitment to promoting legal scholarship and research. In addition to providing a platform for established authors, the journal also welcomes submissions from emerging scholars and encourages innovative and interdisciplinary approaches to legal inquiry.

In short, if you're looking for a comprehensive and authoritative source of legal analysis and commentary, look no further than the Singapore Academy of Law Journal. With its rigorous peer review process, global perspective, and commitment to promoting legal scholarship, it is the solution you've been looking for.

So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to the Singapore Academy of Law Journal today and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-changing world of law.

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a reputable academic publication first established in 1989. The journal is published twice yearly and covers a wide range of topics related to Singapore's legal system, including case law, legislation, and legal policy developments. It is widely regarded as a valuable resource for academics, practitioners, and policymakers interested in understanding the legal landscape in Singapore.


The Singapore Academy of Law Journal covers a broad spectrum of legal areas, including constitutional law, criminal law, intellectual property, and international law. One of the journal's strengths is its focus on Singapore's legal system, providing insights and analyses on the latest legal developments in the region. The journal also welcomes submissions from scholars worldwide and encourages comparative studies that examine legal issues across different jurisdictions.

Editorial Board

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is overseen by a distinguished editorial board made up of experts in various legal fields. The editorial board comprises leading practitioners, academics, and judicial officers. They are responsible for selecting articles for publication, ensuring the quality and relevance of each publication, and providing guidance to authors who submit papers for consideration.

Peer Review Process

The quality of the Singapore Academy of Law Journal's articles is maintained by a rigorous peer-review process. All articles submitted for publication undergo an anonymous review process, with at least two qualified reviewers examining each submission. Reviewers evaluate articles based on several criteria, including originality, relevance, and clarity of expression. Authors are required to address any comments or criticisms raised by reviewers before their articles can be accepted for publication.

Influence and Impact

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal has played a significant role in shaping Singapore's legal discourse. Its articles have been cited in numerous court cases and cited as reference materials in various academic publications. The journal's status as a reliable source of legal information has also led to its inclusion in many databases and libraries worldwide.

Open Access

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is committed to providing free and open access to its publications. To this end, the journal offers online access to all of its articles through its website. In addition, the journal regularly publishes open-access issues that are freely available to the public.

Special Issues

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal occasionally publishes special issues focused on specific topics or themes. These issues feature articles from leading scholars and practitioners, providing in-depth analyses of the chosen theme. Recent special issues have covered topics such as privacy law, contract law, and the role of technology in the legal system.


The Singapore Academy of Law Journal welcomes submissions from scholars, practitioners, and policymakers interested in publishing their work. The journal accepts original research articles, case notes, book reviews, and commentaries. Submissions should adhere to the journal's submission guidelines, which are available on the website.


The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a leading academic publication providing authoritative insights and analysis on Singapore's legal system. With its rigorous peer-review process, distinguished editorial board, and commitment to open access, the journal has become a trusted resource for legal professionals and academics worldwide. The special issues, open access policy, and wide scope further enhance the journal's impact in advancing legal scholarship and shaping legal discourse in Singapore and beyond.


Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a prestigious legal publication that offers insightful and informative articles. The Journal is the flagship publication of the Singapore Academy of Law, which also manages the Singapore Law Review and the Singapore Journal of Legal Studies.The Journal publishes several issues every year and includes articles on various aspects of law, including comparative law, international law, and sustainable development, among others. In this article, we will compare the Singapore Academy of Law Journal with its contemporaries, including Law Quarterly Review and Harvard Law Review, and evaluate how it stands out in terms of quality and relevance.

Content and Scope

At the core of any legal journal is the quality of its content. The Singapore Academy of Law Journal features articles written by some of the foremost legal minds from around the world and offers original research, rigorous analysis, and well-reasoned arguments. The Journal brings together scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to provide diverse perspectives on various legal topics, making it a must-read for anyone interested in law and policy.Comparing it with other legal journals, such as Law Quarterly Review and Harvard Law Review, the Singapore Academy of Law Journal has a broader scope, covering a wider range of legal topics. It also focuses on emerging and current legal issues in Asia, while other journals tend to be more Western-centric.

Table comparison

Singapore Academy of Law Journal Law Quarterly Review Harvard Law Review
Content and Scope Broad and inclusive, covering diverse legal topics, including Asian-focused issues Narrower in scope, mainly focusing on English law and its development Wide-ranging, with a focus on legal theory and policy
Authorship Features renowned legal scholars, practitioners, and policymakers from across the globe Written primarily by academics and professionals from English legal tradition Written by prominent legal scholars and experts
Readability Readable, with clear language and well-structured articles Readable, but content may not be accessible to all readers due to technical legal jargon Readable, but more demanding due to complex legal theories and arguments


The Singapore Academy of Law Journal stands out for its impressive roster of authors that include global legal experts, policymakers, judges, practitioners, and academics. The contributors to the Journal are leaders in their fields, having published extensively in other prestigious legal journals and authored seminal legal works.Comparatively, Law Quarterly Review and Harvard Law Review also have a similar reputation for their authorship. However, they tend to have authors who are primarily legal academics or scholars compared to the Singapore Academy of Law Journal, which has a more diverse set of contributors.

Readability and Accessibility

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is relatively easy to read and accessible to a broader audience. The authors use a clear language and structure their arguments well, making it suitable for law students, policymakers, legal practitioners, and the general public interested in legal issues.On the other hand, Law Quarterly Review can be technical and may feature legal jargon that renders it inaccessible to some readers. Harvard Law Review, while still readable, can be more demanding, requiring readers to follow complex legal theories and arguments to understand the content fully.


The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a leading legal publication that offers insightful and illuminating articles on various aspects of law. Its broad content scope, impressive authorship, and accessibility make it a unique publication that stands out from its contemporaries.Comparing it with other well-known legal journals such as Law Quarterly Review and Harvard Law Review, we can see how the Singapore Academy of Law Journal offers a more diverse range of topics, features renowned experts from different regions, and provides clear language and structure to its articles for an accessible read. All these factors together make it a valuable addition to legal publications and scholarship around the world.

Singapore Academy Of Law Journal

The Singapore Academy Of Law Journal is a leading legal journal in Asian Law and Jurisprudence published by the Singapore Academy of Law. Primarily, this journal focuses on legal issues in Singapore and other Asian Countries. It aims to promote the legal scholarship of the region and contribute to the development of jurisprudence.

1. Overview

The Singapore Academy Of Law Journal covers areas of legal practice such as Corporate Law, Intellectual Property, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, International Law, and many others. It also features articles that examine comparative law in different jurisdictions. The monthly journal has an editorial board comprising seasoned legal practitioners from various fields who invite legal scholars to submit papers for publication.

2. Objectives and Aims

The journal's primary objective is to promote the study of law in the Asia Pacific Region. It aims to serve as a platform for legal practitioners, scholars, and students to explore and analyse legal practices, increase the understanding of the legal system, and improve the quality of legal discourse in the region. Additionally, the journal intends to contribute to the development of law in Singapore and other Asian Countries.

3. Categories of Articles

The Singapore Academy Of Law Journal welcomes submissions of articles, notes, and comments from authors all over the world. The articles are categorised into three sections: original research, commentaries on recent developments in the law, and book reviews. The original research category comprises articles that provide critical analysis and discuss new ideas in different legal fields. Commentaries on recent developments in the law offer insight into significant court decisions or legislative developments, while book reviews critically evaluate current scholarship.

4. Peer Review Process

All articles submitted to the Singapore Academy Of Law Journal undergo a rigorous peer-review process. Papers are reviewed anonymously by at least two independent reviewers with expertise in the relevant field. The reviewers evaluate whether the article provides readers with new insights and whether it has an original contribution to make to the development of legal scholarship.

5. Editorial Board

The Singapore Academy Of Law Journal is led by an editor-in-chief, Jonathan Muk and supported by a leading editorial board comprising legal practitioners and scholars from various fields of expertise. Editorial board members provide input in soliciting articles for publication, suggest revisions to improve the quality of submitted papers, and screen the work of potential authors before making publication decisions.

6. Subscription and Access

The Singapore Academy Of Law Journal is accessible online through a paid subscription. Subscribers have access to the articles in the current and previous issues. Besides, the journal also publishes special issues on particular themes. While purchasing a print version of the journal is also possible, most subscribers prefer the online option due to its convenience.

7. Citation and Impact Factor

The Singapore Academy Of Law Journal is highly cited internationally and recognised as one of the premier publications for Asian legal scholarship. It has an impact factor of 0.613. The Journal is included in various major databases that index legal scholarship, including the Web of Science, Scopus, and LexisNexis.

8. Benefits of Publishing in the Journal

If you are a law scholar or practitioner looking to publish your research paper, the Singapore Academy Of Law Journal presents an excellent platform to do so. Publishing your scholarly work can open doors to great opportunities for career advancement, increase visibility, and build your reputation within the legal community. Additionally, publishing in this journal adds to the impact factor of the paper.

9. Conclusion

In conclusion, the Singapore Academy Of Law Journal is renowned globally for its in-depth analysis of contemporary issues in law and jurisprudence. The Journal has provided an essential platform for legal practitioners and scholars to publish their research on different legal issues primarily in Singapore and Asia. The subscription-based Journal is available online and offers its readers insightful cutting edge analysis of contemporary legal issues across the region.

10. Contact Information

For more information about the Singapore Academy Of Law Journal, contact the editorial team at

Welcome to the Singapore Academy of Law Journal. If you are interested in Singapore's legal system or want to know more about the latest legal developments, then our journal is the perfect place for you to visit. We offer insightful articles on various areas of law written by experts in the field. So, whether you are a lawyer, law student, or someone with an interest in law, we have something for everyone.

Our journal is published quarterly and covers a diverse range of topics, including constitutional law, criminal law, commercial law, family law, and many others. We offer in-depth analysis of court decisions, legislative developments, and academic research. Our articles are written in a concise and clear language, and we aim to make legal developments accessible to everyone.

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a trusted source of information for the legal community in Singapore. Our editors are highly qualified and experienced professionals who ensure the quality and accuracy of our articles. We also have a rigorous peer-review process, which ensures that our articles meet the highest standards of academic excellence.

Our journal is not just a repository of legal knowledge; it is also a platform for legal scholars and practitioners to exchange ideas and discuss legal issues. We welcome submissions from authors around the world and actively seek to promote international collaboration and understanding.

In addition to our print edition, we also have an online version, which offers even more content and features. Our online edition includes additional articles, multimedia content, and interactive features. It is accessible from anywhere in the world and is an excellent resource for anyone interested in Singapore law and legal developments.

If you are interested in subscribing to our journal or have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us. We value your feedback and appreciate your interest in our work. Thank you for visiting the Singapore Academy of Law Journal, and we hope to see you again soon.

At the Singapore Academy of Law Journal, we are committed to providing high-quality and insightful articles on various aspects of Singapore law. Our aim is to make legal developments accessible to everyone and to foster a vibrant and informed legal community in Singapore and around the world.

One of the distinctive features of our journal is our focus on interdisciplinary research. We believe that the study of law should not be limited to legal doctrine but should also incorporate insights from other disciplines such as economics, sociology, political science, and philosophy. This interdisciplinary approach enables us to offer a more rounded and nuanced analysis of legal issues.

We also strive to promote diversity and inclusivity in our journal. We publish articles by authors from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We believe that this diversity enriches our journal and helps us to better understand the complex legal issues that we face.

Finally, we are dedicated to promoting excellence in legal scholarship. Our editors and reviewers are committed to ensuring that our articles meet the highest standards of academic rigour and integrity. We also provide guidance and support to authors who wish to improve their writing and research skills.

Thank you once again for visiting the Singapore Academy of Law Journal. We hope that you have found our articles informative and engaging. We welcome your feedback and suggestions and look forward to hearing from you.

People Also Ask About Singapore Academy Of Law Journal

Here are some commonly asked questions about the Singapore Academy of Law Journal:

1. What is the Singapore Academy of Law Journal?

  • The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a legal publication that aims to promote scholarship and critical analysis of legal issues in the Asia-Pacific region.
  • It features articles, case notes, and book reviews written by legal scholars, practitioners, and judges from around the world.

2. How often is the Journal published?

  • The Journal is published biannually, in June and December each year.

3. Who can submit articles to the Journal?

  • The Journal welcomes submissions from legal scholars, practitioners, judges, and other experts in the field of law.
  • Articles may be on any area of law, with a preference for articles that relate to Singapore and the Asia-Pacific region.
  • All submitted articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process before they are accepted for publication.

4. Is the Journal available online?

  • Yes, the Journal is available online through the Singapore Academy of Law's website.
  • Both current and past issues of the Journal can be accessed online.

5. How can I subscribe to the Journal?

  • To subscribe to the Journal, you must become a member of the Singapore Academy of Law.
  • Membership is open to legal professionals as well as non-lawyers who have an interest in the law.
  • Membership fees vary depending on your profession and location.

People Also Ask About Singapore Academy Of Law Journal

1. What is the Singapore Academy of Law Journal?

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a prestigious legal publication that serves as a platform for scholarly articles and research papers in various areas of law. It is a biannual journal that showcases high-quality academic work and promotes the advancement of legal knowledge.

2. Who publishes the Singapore Academy of Law Journal?

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is published by the Singapore Academy of Law (SAL), a statutory body that serves as the national representative body for the legal profession in Singapore. SAL aims to promote excellence in legal practice and scholarship, and the journal is one of the key avenues through which it achieves this objective.

3. How can I access the Singapore Academy of Law Journal?

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is available online on the SAL website. It can be accessed by legal professionals, researchers, academics, and anyone interested in legal scholarship. Some articles may be available for free, while others may require a subscription or purchase.

4. What types of articles are published in the Singapore Academy of Law Journal?

The journal publishes articles that cover a wide range of legal topics, including but not limited to constitutional law, criminal law, commercial law, intellectual property law, and international law. The articles undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure their quality and relevance to the legal community.

5. Can I submit an article to the Singapore Academy of Law Journal?

Yes, the Singapore Academy of Law Journal welcomes submissions from legal scholars, practitioners, and researchers. However, it is essential to review the journal's submission guidelines and follow the prescribed format and citation style. Submissions are evaluated based on their originality, clarity, and contribution to legal scholarship.

6. How can reading the Singapore Academy of Law Journal benefit me?

Reading articles in the Singapore Academy of Law Journal can provide valuable insights into current legal developments, emerging trends, and significant cases in Singapore and beyond. It is an excellent resource for staying updated with the latest legal research and enhancing one's understanding of various legal disciplines.

7. Are there any other similar law journals in Singapore?

Yes, apart from the Singapore Academy of Law Journal, there are other reputable law journals published in Singapore. Some examples include the Singapore Journal of Legal Studies, the Singapore Year Book of International Law, and the Asian Journal of Comparative Law. These journals cater to different areas of legal research and contribute to the vibrant legal scholarship scene in Singapore.

In conclusion,

The Singapore Academy of Law Journal is a highly regarded legal publication that offers a wealth of knowledge and research in various areas of law. Whether you are a legal professional, researcher, or student, exploring the journal's articles can broaden your understanding of the legal landscape and contribute to the advancement of legal scholarship.