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Join the Fight Against COVID-19: Apply for a Social Distancing Ambassador Job in Singapore

Social Distancing Ambassador Job Singapore

Social Distancing Ambassador job in Singapore: Join the frontlines in ensuring public safety by enforcing social distancing measures in various public spaces.

Are you looking for a job that allows you to make a positive impact on society during these challenging times? If so, becoming a Social Distancing Ambassador (SDA) in Singapore may be the right choice for you.

The SDA program was launched in April 2020 as part of the government's efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19. SDAs are responsible for ensuring that people comply with safe distancing measures in public areas such as parks, malls, and beaches.

Although Singapore has been successful in controlling the spread of the virus, the threat still persists, and SDAs play a crucial role in keeping the community safe. As an SDA, you will be directly contributing to the health and well-being of others.

But what exactly does an SDA do?

Your main role is to monitor public spaces and ensure that people maintain a safe distance from each other. You will also need to educate the public about the importance of safe distancing and explain the rules and regulations put in place by the government.

Don't worry if you're not a seasoned public speaker - SDAs undergo extensive training to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out their duties effectively.

In addition to ensuring compliance with safe distancing measures, you will also need to assist in contact tracing efforts, such as recording the names and contact details of individuals in public spaces. This data is essential in the event of a COVID-19 outbreak.

But the benefits of being an SDA go beyond simply helping to contain the virus. It's also a great opportunity to develop your communication and leadership skills, work in a supportive team environment, and build meaningful connections with members of the community.

So, if you're looking for a job that offers a sense of purpose and the chance to make a difference, becoming a Social Distancing Ambassador in Singapore may be the perfect fit for you. Apply today and join the fight against COVID-19.

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Invitation: Are you ready to make a positive impact on society and join the fight against COVID-19? Read on to learn more about the exciting opportunity of becoming a Social Distancing Ambassador in Singapore.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought significant changes to our daily lives. One of the most significant changes is social distancing measures, which are implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. Singapore is no exception in this matter. The government has implemented various measures that require citizens and visitors to observe social distancing protocols. As a result, the Social Distancing Ambassador job became an essential position in the country. In this blog post, we will provide you with comprehensive information about this job in Singapore.

The Role of Social Distancing Ambassadors

This job was initially introduced by the Government Technology Agency (GovTech). Its primary objective is to help enforce the social distancing protocols in Singapore. Social distancing ambassadors (SDAs) play an essential role in ensuring that people follow the new health and safety guidelines. As an SDA, you will be responsible for monitoring the flow of people in public places such as parks, shopping malls, and schools. You'll also be reminding people about the importance of wearing masks, washing their hands regularly, and keeping a safe distance from others.

The Requirements for the Job

To become an SDA, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a Singaporean Citizen or Permanent Resident.
  • You should have a minimum of GCE 'N' Level qualification or equivalent.
  • You should be physically fit and able to work outdoors for long hours.
  • You must have excellent communication skills and the ability to converse fluently in English and at least one other mother tongue language.

Training and Certification

Before you can start working as an SDA, you must complete training on public health protocols and the latest COVID-19 related information. The training will be conducted by government agencies such as the Ministry of Health or National Centre for Infectious Diseases. After completing the training, you will receive a certificate that proves you are qualified to become an SDA. You'll also be required to take a test on the knowledge you have learned during the training.

How Much Can You Earn?

The starting salary for an SDA is SGD $1,500 to SGD $1,800 per month. The salary range can vary based on your level of education and experience. The government may also provide incentives for SDAs who do outstanding work in enforcing social distancing protocols. These incentives can include bonuses and other perks.

The Advantages of Being an SDA

Being an SDA can be a rewarding job for several reasons. First, you will be contributing to the fight against COVID-19, which is a significant challenge for Singapore. Second, you will be part of a large team that works together to keep the country safe. Finally, you will have the opportunity to work outdoors and meet new people and experiences.

The Challenges of Being an SDA

While being an SDA can be a gratifying job, it has its challenges. One of the primary challenges is that you'll be working long hours outdoors, exposed to all kinds of weather conditions. You'll also need to interact with different people who may have different attitudes towards social distancing and public health protocols. Dealing with these challenges requires patience, resilience, and the ability to communicate effectively.


Social distancing ambassadors play a critical role in ensuring that people follow social distancing protocols in Singapore. A career as an SDA can be both challenging and rewarding as you contribute to the collective effort against the spread of COVID-19. If you meet the necessary requirements and are willing to take on the job's responsibilities, becoming an SDA can be an excellent opportunity to serve your country and make a difference in public health.

Comparison of Social Distancing Ambassador Job in Singapore

What is a Social Distancing Ambassador?

A Social Distancing Ambassador (SDA) is a new role introduced by the Singapore government to ensure that people comply with the social distancing measures put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. SDA's main responsibility is to educate and encourage the public to follow safe distancing guidelines.

Roles and Responsibilities of an SDA in Singapore

SDAs are responsible for educating the public on safe distancing guidelines, identifying cases of non-compliance and providing guidance on how to comply with the guidelines. They are also required to patrol areas where people usually gather in groups, such as shopping malls and parks, and remind people to keep a safe distance from one another.

The Number of SDAs in Singapore

As of June 2021, there are over 8,000 SDAs appointed by the Singapore government to ensure compliance with the country's safe distancing measures.

The Benefits of Working as an SDA in Singapore

Working as an SDA in Singapore comes with some benefits. Firstly, it provides individuals with the opportunity to contribute to their community during a time of crisis. Secondly, SDAs are paid an hourly rate of around $10 per hour. Finally, working as an SDA can provide valuable work experience in times of uncertainty.

Comparison of Pay for SDAs in Singapore and Other Countries

Compared to other countries, the pay for SDAs in Singapore is relatively low. In the United States, the hourly pay for SDAs is around $15, while in the United Kingdom, it is around £9 ($12.44).

Comparison of the Workload of SDAs in Singapore and Other Countries

The workload of SDAs in Singapore is comparatively higher than in other countries. The Singapore government appointed over 8,000 SDAs to ensure safe distancing measures compliance, while in the UK, the local authorities have hired a few hundred SDAs to monitor beaches and parks.

Training Provided to SDAs in Singapore

All SDAs appointed by the Singapore government undergo a comprehensive training program before being deployed in the community. The training covers topics such as the public health situation, safe distancing measures, basic first aid, and the role of an SDA.

Comparison of the SDA Job scope with Other Similar Roles

Job Title Responsibilities Salary
Social Distancing Ambassador (Singapore) Educate the public on safe distancing guidelines, identify cases of non-compliance, patrol areas with high foot traffic, provide guidance on complying with guidelines Average hourly rate of $10 per hour
COVID-19 Safety Officer (Philippines) Inspect workplaces, monitor compliance with health protocols, assist in contact tracing efforts Average monthly salary of PHP18,000 ($375)
Community Health Worker (United States) Provide information on health services, identify health risks, provide basic medical care and preventive measures Average annual salary of $40,000

Challenges Faced by SDAs in Singapore

One of the main challenges faced by SDAs in Singapore is dealing with non-compliant individuals who refuse to follow safe distancing measures. Some people may find the guidance annoying and argue with SDAs. Additionally, working long hours in the hot and humid weather conditions can be exhausting for some.

The Future of the SDA Role in Singapore

The future of the SDA role in Singapore depends on how long the COVID-19 pandemic lasts. As long as the government feels that the community needs reminders and education on safe distancing, the role of SDAs will continue. However, once the pandemic is over, it is uncertain whether the role will be needed, and if so, what its new responsibilities might be.

Conclusion: Is the SDA Job Worth It?

Overall, the SDA role in Singapore can provide an opportunity to contribute to one's community, gain valuable work experience, and earn a little extra income. However, it is essential to consider the challenges, such as dealing with non-compliant individuals. Whether or not the job is worth it depends on each individual's goals, interests, and priorities.

The Social Distancing Ambassador Job in Singapore

Social distancing is one of the crucial measures taken by the government of Singapore to curb the spread of COVID-19. The government has introduced the service of a Social Distancing Ambassador (SDA) to ensure that people adhere to the social distancing guidelines while carrying out their activities. Ambassadors have been deployed to various public places such as shopping malls, marketplaces, parks, and others. In this article, we will discuss what the job of a SDA entails and how you can become one.

Responsibilities of Social Distancing Ambassadors

The job of a SDA is to ensure that members of the public comply with the social distancing guidelines. The responsibilities include:

- Reminding people to maintain social distancing of at least one meter- Advising people not to shake hands or touch each other- Ensuring people wear masks if required to do so- Limiting the number of people in a particular area as prescribed by authorities- Encouraging people to use safe entry check-in

Requirements to Become a Social Distancing Ambassador

To work as a Social Distancing Ambassador in Singapore, you need to fulfill the following requirements:

- You must be at least 18 years old and above- You must be a Singaporean citizen or a Permanent Resident (PR)- You have a minimum qualification of Secondary 2 education- Ability to communicate well in English and/or Mandarin- You must be physically fit and able to stand for long hours.

If you have these requirements, then you are eligible to work as a Social Distancing Ambassador.

How to Apply

There are two ways to apply to work as a Social Distancing Ambassador. You can either apply directly to the government agencies that require the services of SDAs, or you can apply through recruitment agencies that specialize in providing staff for such services.


Working as a Social Distancing Ambassador comes with some benefits. Some of these benefits include:

- An hourly pay rate between $9 to $12 per hour- You are eligible to work overtime, which means you can earn more money- You can gain work experience and improve your communication skills- You will be making a significant contribution towards the fight against COVID-19 in Singapore.


Working as a SDA can come with some challenges. These may include:

- The risk of being exposed to COVID-19 as you interact with members of the public- The need to stand for long hours, which can be physically demanding- Dealing with uncooperative members of the public- The need to maintain a calm, authoritative demeanor while enforcing guidelines

Tips for Working as a Social Distancing Ambassador

If you have been successful in your application and have begun working as a SDA, here are some tips that can help you perform your duties effectively:

- Familiarize yourself with the social distancing guidelines provided by the government.- Be courteous and polite when reminding people about the need to maintain social distancing- Keep a distance from others while carrying out your duties- Wear protective gear such as a face mask and gloves if necessary- Do not engage in any arguments or physical confrontations with those who refuse to cooperate


The job of a Social Distancing Ambassador is vital in curtailing the spread of COVID-19 in Singapore. If you are interested in becoming a SDA, you need to meet certain requirements and follow the application process. Working as an SDA comes with its challenges, but it is also a way to contribute to the larger fight against COVID-19 in Singapore.

Hello, readers! If you've made it to the end of this article, you likely have an interest in becoming a Social Distancing Ambassador in Singapore. It's important to recognize the significance of this role and the impact it can have on minimizing the spread of COVID-19.

As a Social Distancing Ambassador, you will be responsible for educating the public about social distancing rules and regulations, enforcing these guidelines through monitoring public areas, and ultimately helping to keep your fellow citizens safe from COVID-19.

It's important to recognize that this job is not for everyone. It requires a level of vigilance and discipline to uphold the rules effectively, as well as communication skills to help people understand why social distancing is so crucial. However, the reward of knowing that you are actively helping your community combat the spread of the virus is immeasurable.

If you are considering this role, make sure to have a clear understanding of what the job entails. Your responsibilities will involve a mix of patrolling public spaces and interacting with individuals to ensure compliance with social distancing measures. It will also require a level of patience and compassion when dealing with those who may not be aware of these measures or who may not fully understand why they are necessary.

You must also be willing to apply a problem-solving mindset when faced with unique or challenging situations. This involves being able to assess the situation quickly and find a solution that is not only effective but also empathetic to the individual.

On the other hand, if you're someone who is not interested in pursuing a career as a Social Distancing Ambassador, there are still things that you can do to help your community as we continue to navigate the pandemic. The simplest thing you can do is to continue practicing good social distancing habits, such as wearing masks and avoiding crowded areas without any necessary purposes.

You can also act as an ambassador in your own way by educating those around you on the importance of social distancing. By spreading awareness and encouraging responsible behavior, we can all do our part in reducing the spread of COVID-19.

As we continue to adapt to the new normal, it's essential to remember that everyone has a role to play in keeping our communities safe. Whether you choose to pursue a career as a Social Distancing Ambassador or simply practice responsible behavior, know that your actions have a significant impact on those around you.

In conclusion, becoming a Social Distancing Ambassador is a noble task, one that requires diligence, empathy, and a desire to help your community. If you value these traits, and understand what this job role entails, then consider applying for this critical front-line service position in Singapore. And for those who do not want to pursue this path – know that your contributions towards slowing down the COVID-19 infection rate are appreciated and invaluable in preventing further transmission of the virus.

Stay safe and practice social distancing!

As an AI language model, I cannot give a personal opinion on Social Distancing Ambassador Job in Singapore where officially appointed ambassadors are engaged to remind people to adhere to social distancing measures in public areas. In this section, we will address some of the frequently asked questions about Social Distancing Ambassador Job in Singapore.

  • What are the responsibilities of a Social Distancing Ambassador?

    As a Social Distancing Ambassador, the primary responsibility is to remind the public to maintain a safe distance of one meter while queuing or sitting in public areas. Additionally, they are expected to ensure that the mandatory mask-wearing rule is being followed by everyone in public areas such as parks, malls, and markets. They also have to monitor the crowd density in these areas and report any non-compliance to the authorities.

  • Who is eligible to apply for the Social Distancing Ambassador job?

    Anyone who is a Singaporean or Permanent Resident with a minimum age of 16 can apply for this job. The applicant should be physically fit, possess good communication skills, and able to work independently. He/she should have passed at least Secondary level education.

  • What is the expected salary for a Social Distancing Ambassador?

    The salary for a Social Distancing Ambassador ranges between S$1,500 and S$1,700 per month, depending on qualifications and experience. In addition to the salary, they are entitled to various benefits such as medical insurance and leave days.

  • How long is the contract period for Social Distancing Ambassadors?

    The contract period for Social Distancing Ambassadors is three months, with the possibility of extension based on their performance and the COVID-19 situation in Singapore.

In conclusion, Social Distancing Ambassadors play a crucial role in maintaining social distancing and ensuring public safety during the ongoing pandemic. Their job responsibilities and eligibility criteria have been laid out clearly by the authorities to ensure that they can perform their duties efficiently and effectively.

People Also Ask About Social Distancing Ambassador Job Singapore

1. What are the responsibilities of a Social Distancing Ambassador in Singapore?

A Social Distancing Ambassador in Singapore is responsible for ensuring that individuals comply with social distancing measures in public spaces, such as malls, parks, and public transportation. Their main duties include:

  • Monitoring crowd density and ensuring safe distancing is maintained.
  • Reminding individuals to wear masks properly and practice good hygiene.
  • Providing guidance and education on social distancing measures.
  • Assisting in managing queues and crowd control.
  • Reporting any non-compliance or potential health risks to the relevant authorities.

2. What qualifications are required for a Social Distancing Ambassador role?

To be eligible for a Social Distancing Ambassador job in Singapore, certain qualifications may be required, such as:

  1. Minimum educational qualifications (e.g., GCE 'N' Level or equivalent).
  2. Good communication and interpersonal skills.
  3. Ability to remain calm and composed in challenging situations.
  4. Familiarity with social distancing guidelines and health protocols.
  5. Basic understanding of public health and safety measures.
  6. Ability to work collaboratively as part of a team.

3. How can one apply for a Social Distancing Ambassador position in Singapore?

To apply for a Social Distancing Ambassador job in Singapore, you can follow these steps:

  1. Check for job postings on reputable job portals or the official government website.
  2. Review the job requirements and ensure you meet the qualifications.
  3. Prepare a comprehensive resume highlighting relevant experience, skills, and qualifications.
  4. Submit your application through the designated platform or email address provided.
  5. If shortlisted, attend interviews or assessments as scheduled.
  6. Upon selection, complete any necessary training or orientation required for the role.

4. What is the salary range for Social Distancing Ambassadors in Singapore?

The salary range for Social Distancing Ambassadors in Singapore may vary depending on factors such as experience, qualifications, and the employer. However, on average, the salary can range from SGD 1,800 to SGD 2,500 per month.

5. Are there any career advancement opportunities for Social Distancing Ambassadors?

While being a Social Distancing Ambassador is a temporary role created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, it can provide valuable experience in public health and safety. Depending on the individual's performance and opportunities within the organization, there may be potential for career advancement into related roles, such as community engagement officers or public health educators.

It's important to note that the information provided here is general and may vary based on specific job postings and requirements by different organizations or agencies in Singapore.