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Institute of Policy Studies Singapore: Driving Evidence-Based Policy Making for a Better Future

Institute Of Policy Studies Singapore

Institute of Policy Studies Singapore is a leading think tank providing independent research and analysis on public policy issues in Singapore and the region.

Have you ever wondered about the current socio-political landscape of Singapore? What drives policymakers to make certain decisions? Look no further than the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), a think-tank that aims to inform, influence, and implement policies for a better Singapore.

Founded in 1988, IPS has been at the forefront of policy research and analysis for over three decades. With a team of accomplished researchers and academics, IPS explores various themes such as governance, economics, social issues, and regional developments.

Statistics show that IPS is highly regarded in the academic and policy-making community - more than 70% of policymakers consult IPS research when making decisions. IPS is also internationally recognized, with its researchers working alongside global leaders on key studies.

But what sets IPS apart from other policy institutes? One word - independence. IPS takes pride in its independent and impartial stance, ensuring that its research is rigorous and unbiased.

In addition, IPS values inclusivity and public engagement. It organizes various forums, seminars, and dialogue sessions for experts and the public to discuss policy issues and provide feedback to policymakers.

But it's not just research and engagement activities that IPS delivers. IPS provides consultancy services to government agencies, non-profit organizations, and private companies to help them develop informed policies.

If you're interested in a career in public policy, IPS offers fellowship programs and internships for individuals looking to gain hands-on experience in policy research and analysis.

But IPS doesn't just focus on academic and professional goals. IPS values education and community outreach, providing opportunities for secondary students to learn about policy issues and engage in debate through programs such as the ASEAN Youth Leaders Exchange Program.

IPS also recognizes that technology is rapidly changing the way we live and work, and conducts relevant research to understand the impact of technology on society and how it can be harnessed for the greater good.

In conclusion, IPS is an all-encompassing think-tank that leads policy research, engagement, consultancy and education in Singapore. Whether you're a policymaker, researcher, student or member of the public, IPS provides valuable insights into the pressing issues that affect our daily lives. So why not check out what IPS has to offer today?


The Institute of Policy Studies Singapore (IPS) is a research institution established in 1988 to study the policy issues facing Singapore. It is part of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, which is affiliated with the National University of Singapore (NUS).


The IPS's mission is to contribute to Singapore's development by providing independent policy research, promoting dialogue and debate, and disseminating knowledge and information.

The IPS aims to:

  • Create a better understanding of Singapore's political, economic, social, and cultural environment;
  • Contribute to public policy development and debate;
  • Promote multidisciplinary research that addresses contemporary issues; and
  • Provide a platform for regional and international scholars and experts to engage in academic and policy exchange.

Activities and Research Themes

The IPS conducts research on a range of themes, including economic development, governance, national identity, social cohesion, and diplomacy. It also hosts various events to foster public discussions on key policy issues.

Some of the IPS's notable activities include:

  • A series of IPS-Nathan Lectures, named after former President S.R. Nathan, which bring together global thought leaders to offer insights on important issues of the day;
  • The annual Singapore Perspectives conference, which explores current and future challenges facing the country;
  • The IPS Social Lab, which studies issues related to social cohesion and identity;
  • The IPS Common Senses series, which invites prominent figures to share their perspectives on Singapore society and politics.


The IPS's research and activities have had a significant impact on Singapore's public policy and intellectual discourse. Its research has been cited in parliamentary debates and used by policymakers to inform policy decisions.

The IPS has also been instrumental in promoting public debate on important issues. Its events attract a diverse range of stakeholders, including policymakers, academics, business leaders, civil society representatives, and members of the general public. This has helped to create a more inclusive and participatory policy-making process in Singapore.

International Collaboration

The IPS collaborates with various international institutions to promote cross-border policy exchange and academic cooperation. These collaborations have included:

  • The ASEAN-ISIS network, which facilitates policy discussions among Southeast Asian think tanks;
  • The Asia Research Network, which promotes research collaboration among Asian universities;
  • The Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific, which fosters regional security cooperation and dialogue.


Some critics have argued that the IPS could do more to challenge government policies and provide alternative perspectives. They have also questioned the institute's focus on technocratic solutions and its perceived lack of engagement with grassroots perspectives.

However, defenders of the IPS argue that it has played a vital role in shaping Singapore's policymaking process and promoting meaningful public debate. They point to the institute's independence and rigorous research standards as evidence of its credibility.


The Institute of Policy Studies Singapore is an important institution in Singapore's policy landscape. Its research and activities have contributed significantly to public policy development and intellectual discourse. While it may face criticisms from some quarters, its commitment to independent research and public engagement has helped to create a more inclusive and participatory policymaking process in the country.


The Institute of Policy Studies in Singapore is the country’s leading research center and think tank. It has been established for several decades, and it has contributed a lot to the development of the city-state. But, how do we compare it to other think tanks around the world? In this article, we will explore the characteristics of IPS compared to other policy research institutions.

Mission and Goals

IPS Mission

The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) is committed to promoting research, dialogue and scholarship on Singapore's public policies and issues affecting the country and the region. Its mission is to provide rigorous and independent research that informs policy formulation and implementation, and contributes to public understanding and debate.

Other Think Tanks

Think tanks have different missions and objectives depending on their country of origin, resources, and target audience. Some focus on policy advice for national governments, while others specialize in international relations or economic development issues. However, many think tanks share IPS's commitment to research excellence, policy relevance, and public engagement.

Research Activities

IPS Research

The IPS conducts research on a wide range of topics, from social policy and governance to sustainable development and security. Its research output includes monographs, working papers, policy briefs, media commentaries, and conferences and seminars. The IPS also collaborates with other research institutions and public agencies in Singapore and overseas on joint research projects and networks.

Other Think Tanks

Think tanks conduct research on various topics based on their areas of expertise. Some focus on macroeconomic analysis, while others concentrate on national security or social welfare issues. The research output of think tanks varies, ranging from academic articles and book chapters to policy reports and advocacy campaigns. The research quality and impact of think tanks also depend on their resources, networks, and methodologies.

Public Outreach

IPS Outreach

The IPS engages with a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers, business leaders, civil society organizations, and the general public. Its outreach activities include policy roundtables, media interviews, public talks, and online platforms such as blogs and social media. The IPS also publishes a biannual journal, Asian Journal of Public Affairs (AJPA), which features scholarly articles and policy debates on regional issues.

Other Think Tanks

Think tanks use various channels to reach out to their target audiences, including social media, blogs, podcasts, and events. Some think tanks organize their conferences and seminars, while others participate in external events and webinars. Think tanks also engage with policymakers and media outlets to influence public discourse and policy decisions. The effectiveness and impact of think tank outreach depend on their communication strategies, public reputation, and stakeholder engagement.

Staff and Resources

IPS Staff

The IPS has a team of around 70 researchers, staff, and fellows, comprising economists, sociologists, political scientists, and other social scientists. The IPS also hosts visiting scholars and students from various universities and research institutions. The IPS staff is supported by an administrative team, including finance, IT, and communications. The IPS is funded by the government of Singapore, private foundations, and corporate partners.

Other Think Tanks

Think tanks vary in terms of their size, structure, and funding sources. Some think tanks have only a handful of staff, while others have hundreds or thousands of employees and affiliates. Think tanks may be funded by government grants, private donations, corporate sponsorships, or a combination of these. The staff composition of think tanks also varies, depending on their research priorities and activities.

Collaborations and Partnerships

IPS Collaborations

The IPS works with various local and international partners, including academic institutions, government agencies, NGOs, and businesses. Its partners include the National University of Singapore, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, the Singapore Economic Development Board, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Asia-Europe Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. The IPS also collaborates with think tanks in other countries, such as Australia, China, India, Japan, and the US.

Other Think Tanks

Think tanks often engage in collaborations and partnerships with other institutions to expand their research networks and resources. These could be other think tanks, universities, government agencies, private foundations, or international organizations. Collaboration enables think tanks to share knowledge, expertise, and best practices, and enhance their policy impact and influence.

Impact and Influence

IPS Impact

The IPS has made significant contributions to policy development and public discourse in Singapore and the region. Its research output has been cited and referenced by policymakers, media outlets, and scholars both locally and internationally. The IPS has also organized various high-level events and dialogues that have influenced public opinion and policy decisions. The IPS's reputation and influence have earned it recognition and awards from various organizations and institutions.

Other Think Tanks

Think tanks have different levels of impact and influence depending on their audiences, regions, and research areas. Some think tanks may have a national or regional focus, while others target global issues. The think tank's reputation, credibility, and communication skills also contribute to its influence and impact. Many think tanks evaluate their policy impact through surveys, interviews, citations, and media coverage.


The Institute of Policy Studies in Singapore has established itself as a reputable think tank that contributes to the country's public policies and regional issues. Its research activities, outreach efforts, collaborations, and impacts have placed it among the top policy research institutions in the world. However, while IPS is unique and has its flaws, other think tanks have different strengths and challenges. Comparing and learning from these different think tanks can lead to better policy insights and development globally.


The Institute of Policy Studies Singapore (IPS) is a leading policy research institute in Asia that provides independent and objective analyses and recommendations on key policy issues to the Singapore government. Established in 1988, IPS plays a critical role in shaping Singapore's public policies and advancing its social and economic development.

1. Mission and Vision

The mission of IPS is to promote sound public policies for Singapore's sustainable development and contribute to regional and global thinking and discourse. Its vision is to be a trusted and influential thought leader on public policies in Asia-Pacific.

2. Areas of Research

IPS focuses on several core research areas, such as governance and politics, economics and trade, social policies, and technology and innovation. It also covers emerging issues such as cybersecurity, climate change, and aging populations.

3. Research Outputs

IPS produces a wide range of research outputs, including policy papers, briefs, reports, and books. It also organizes conferences, seminars, and workshops to disseminate its research findings and engage with policymakers, experts, and stakeholders in Singapore and beyond.

4. Expertise

IPS boasts a team of multidisciplinary researchers with expertise in various fields such as economics, political science, sociology, psychology, and public policy. They collaborate with local and international partners to enhance the quality and relevance of their research.

5. Impact

IPS' research has influenced many policy decisions in Singapore and beyond, especially in areas such as education, healthcare, housing, immigration, and economic restructuring. IPS' insights and analysis are widely cited in the media, academic publications, and policy debates.

6. Collaboration

IPS works closely with various stakeholders, such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, think tanks, and academic institutions, to foster a collaborative and inclusive approach to policymaking. It also engages with the public through outreach programs and surveys to understand their views and needs.

7. Impactful Programs

IPS has several flagship programs that focus on specific policy areas and issues, such as the Singapore Panel Survey, which tracks social and economic trends and attitudes; the Asian Business Sentiment Survey, which measures corporate confidence in key Asian markets; and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy- IPS Corporate Governance Initiative, which promotes good governance practices in Singapore and beyond.

8. Funding and Governance

IPS is funded by the Singapore government and operates under the National University of Singapore. It is governed by a board of directors comprising leading academics, policymakers, and industry leaders who oversee its strategic directions and operations.

9. Recognition and Awards

IPS has received numerous awards and accolades for its research excellence, such as the Prospect Think Tank Award 2020 for the best international think tank in the Asia-Pacific region. IPS researchers have also been recognized for their contributions to policy analysis and public discourse, such as being appointed as Nominated Members of Parliament and receiving prestigious fellowships and grants.

10. Opportunities

IPS offers various opportunities for aspiring researchers and professionals who are passionate about public policy research, advocacy, and engagement. It provides internships, scholarships, and fellowship programs that enable individuals to gain first-hand experience in policy research and engage with policymakers and experts.


The Institute of Policy Studies Singapore has been instrumental in shaping Singapore's policymaking landscape and advancing regional and global thinking on key policy issues. Its multidisciplinary research, collaborative approach, and impactful programs have earned it a reputation as a leading policy research institute in Asia. IPS' mission to promote sound public policies for Singapore's sustainable development is critical in ensuring that the country continues to thrive and prosper in the face of evolving challenges and opportunities.

Welcome to the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Singapore, an autonomous research center devoted to the study of public policy and governance. The institute was established in 1988 as one of the National University of Singapore's independent constituents, whose main objective is to provide an in-depth understanding of Singapore's domestic and international policies.

Over the past thirty years, IPS has emerged as a leading think tank in the Asia-Pacific region, providing critical insights into various political and social issues. With a team of more than thirty researchers and scholars, the institute undertakes rigorous empirical analyses using both qualitative and quantitative methods focused on producing evidence-based policy recommendations.

IPS Singapore brings together researchers from diverse backgrounds to offer cross-disciplinary research opportunities, expanding its horizons beyond traditional policy areas like economics, politics, and social welfare. The institute is particularly renowned for its work on race, religion, and language policies in Singapore, contributing to public discussions on inter-ethnic relations and national identity.

Furthermore, the institute engages with policymakers, civil society actors, and grassroots organizations through conferences, seminars, and workshops, contributing to better governance and societal well-being in Singapore and beyond. It also collaborates with international organizations, including the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), and the World Bank, to bring global perspectives to local debates.

IPS Singapore has a robust research portfolio comprising a wide range of thematic areas, including socio-economic development, urban planning, education, healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Its focus on innovative research methodologies and regional comparative analyses enhances its reputation as a credible source of information and expertise.

In addition to its research function, IPS Singapore publishes scholarly books, academic journals, policy briefs, and media commentaries on key issues affecting Singapore's development. Its flagship publication, Singapore Economic Review, provides a platform for academics in economics and finance to share their research outcomes.

IPS Singapore also engages with the youth and the wider public through its Youth Research Programme (YRP). The program supports young researchers to develop their critical thinking and research skills, encouraging their active participation in public discourse. Moreover, the institute offers internships and fellowships to undergraduate and graduate students who are passionate about public policy and governance.

Overall, the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Singapore is a testament to the country's commitment to evidence-based policymaking and governance excellence. Its rigorous research output has served as a catalyst for public dialogues on critical issues that affect Singapore's socio-economic well-being.

To conclude, we hope that this article has provided you with an overview of the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Singapore and its role in shaping Singapore's public policy landscape. We welcome you to explore IPS's website for more information on its research agenda, publications, and events. Thank you for reading!

People also ask about the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Singapore include:

  1. What is the Institute of Policy Studies?
  2. The Institute of Policy Studies is a think tank based in Singapore that conducts research and analysis on various issues related to public policy. It aims to provide objective and rigorous research to inform policy-making and foster better public understanding of important policy issues.

  3. What kind of research does IPS conduct?
  4. IPS conducts research on a wide range of topics, including social policy, economics, politics, security, and international relations. It uses a variety of approaches and methodologies, including quantitative analysis, qualitative research, and case studies.

  5. Who funds IPS?
  6. IPS is funded by the Singapore government, but it retains editorial independence in its research. Its funding model is designed to ensure that it can maintain impartiality and objectivity in its analysis and recommendations.

  7. What impact has IPS had on Singapore's policy-making?
  8. IPS has had a significant impact on the development of public policy in Singapore. Its research has informed the design and implementation of a range of policies, from education and social welfare programs to economic development and foreign relations strategies. Its analyses have been influential in shaping public debate and informing government decision-making.

  9. Does IPS have any international partnerships or collaborations?
  10. Yes, IPS has partnerships and collaborations with a number of international institutions and think tanks. These collaborations enable it to draw on a broader range of knowledge and perspectives to inform its research and analysis. IPS is also a member of various international networks, such as the Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats and the ASEAN Institutes of Strategic and International Studies.

People Also Ask about Institute of Policy Studies Singapore

1. What is the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Singapore?

The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) Singapore is a think tank and research institution that focuses on public policy research and analysis. It is an autonomous research center within the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore.

2. What is the role of the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore?

The role of the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore is to conduct independent and rigorous research on various policy issues in Singapore and the wider Southeast Asian region. The institute aims to provide timely and relevant insights to policymakers, academics, and the general public, contributing to informed decision-making and public discourse.

3. What are the key research areas of the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore?

The Institute of Policy Studies Singapore covers a broad range of research areas, including governance and politics, social and urban policies, economics and trade, sustainability and environment, as well as international relations. Through its research, the institute strives to address pressing policy challenges and contribute to evidence-based policy formulation.

4. How does the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore disseminate its research findings?

The Institute of Policy Studies Singapore disseminates its research findings through various channels. These include publishing academic papers, policy briefs, and reports that are freely accessible to the public. The institute also organizes conferences, seminars, and workshops to engage with policymakers, experts, and the public, facilitating meaningful discussions and knowledge exchange.

5. Is the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore non-partisan?

Yes, the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore maintains a non-partisan stance. It seeks to provide objective and evidence-based research without aligning itself with any political party or ideology. This independence allows the institute to offer unbiased analysis and recommendations, ensuring the quality and integrity of its research.

6. How can individuals engage with the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore?

Individuals interested in engaging with the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore can access their research publications and attend their public events, including seminars and conferences. The institute also welcomes collaborations with researchers, policymakers, and organizations both within Singapore and internationally. Additionally, individuals can follow the institute's social media channels and subscribe to their newsletters for regular updates on their research and activities.

Overall Voice and Tone: The voice used in answering these questions is informative and objective, providing accurate information about the Institute of Policy Studies Singapore. The tone is professional and academic, maintaining a neutral stance to ensure impartiality in the responses.